Regulated markets
Regulated markets

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Regulated markets


 A “Regulated market” is defined in the Auditors Oversight Law as:


  1. the Cayman Islands Stock Exchange;
  2. a market regulated by a member state of the European Union specified by the Authority by notice in the Gazette; or
  3. any other market specified by the Authority by notice in the Gazette provided that the jurisdiction in which the market is established imposes requirements with regard to the statutory audit of market traded companies by foreign public accountants.


The following markets have been specified in the Cayman Islands Gazette as regulated markets:


European Union markets


The European Commission (EC) is required to annually publish a list of regulated markets within the European Union (which includes the EEA countries of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) in the Official Journal of the European Union.  Updates are made periodically based upon information supplied by each member state.


The AOA has adopted the listing of regulated markets maintained by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) for the purposes of specifying the in-scope EU regulated markets.


The ESMA database of EU regulated markets can be found here: [ESMA database].  If this link doesnot work, paste the following into your browser:


Other markets

None have been specified to date.



Not all entities whose securities are traded on a regulated market are in scope if the AOA’s oversight.


For a list of exempted entities see here: [exempted entities]